Sukhandarya: Uzbekistan’s remarkable Hidden Gem

Registan Square Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Nasspacker

Top popular places you need to visit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Bukhara, Uzbekistan - NassPacker

Best authentic places in Bukhara, Uzbekistan : Everything you need to know

City of Khiva, Uzbekistan - Nasspacker

How to see the top unique places in the beautiful city of Khiva, Uzbekistan

Aral Sea - NassPacker

Karakalpakstan : The remarkable and mysterious Republic you need to visit

Top unique things to do in Tashkent, Uzbekistan

10 breathtaking photos that will inspire you to visit Namibia

See unique and spectacular landscapes in Sossusvlei, Namibia

Explore the beautiful and thrilling dunes of Sandwich Harbour, Namibia

Swakopmund - NassPacker

What to do and see in the amazing Swakopmund, Namibia

  • 4 Continents visited
  • 50 Countries visited
  • 30 Years old
  • 17 Stories written
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About me

Hi, Hola, Salut, Salam, Olá, brothers and sisters from Planet Earth. I am Nassim and welcome to NassPacker.

If like me, you are addicted to adventure traveling but you don't wish to give up on your job/career or current lifestyle, you have reached the right page. In this website, you will find information about how to maximize your independent traveling experience while being limited in both time and budget.

With a backpacking experience in more than 50 countries, I help travelers plan and enjoy to their fullest adventurous and authentic traveling experiences.

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