City of Khiva, Uzbekistan - Nasspacker

How to see the top unique places in the beautiful city of Khiva, Uzbekistan

Home » How to see the top unique places in the beautiful city of Khiva, Uzbekistan

Due to its distance from the capital Tashkent, visitors sometimes leave Khiva out of their itinerary. This would be a mistake. Indeed, as a UNESCO world site heritage, Khiva contains so many historical sites that are very well preserved. Walking around the narrow streets of Itchan Kala almost makes you feel as if you travelled back in time. A time during which the Silk Road, the center of the world, thriving as the main business and cultural exchange center of the world. This article focuses on providing you with the top places to see in Khiva, Uzbekistan.

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How to reach Khiva?

From Tashkent:

  • By Night Train, it takes 14 hours and leaves daily at 9pm and arrives the following day at 11am.
  • By Air, you can fly to Urgench and then take a shared taxi to Khiva.
Tashkent to Khiva train, Uzbekistan - Top places to see in Khiva, NassPacker
Tashkent to Khiva train – Uzbekistan

From Bukhara:

  • By Train, it takes 7 hours and runs on a daily basis.

From Samarkand:

  • By Train, it leaves at 1pm and reached Khiva at 11pm. Otherwise, there is a night train that takes 11 hours. However, it runs on Fridays only at 8pm and arrives the following day at 7:30am.
Tashkent to Khiva train, Uzbekistan - Top places to see in Khiva,NassPacker
Tashkent to Khiva train – Uzbekistan

From Nukus:

  • By shared taxi, it takes around 3.5 hours and costs between 60k and 70k UZS (5 to 6USD)

Where to stay in Khiva?

Khiva has two main areas : Itchan Kala (Old city) and Ditchan Kala (New city). Thus, the most interesting part of the city for a visitor where all the top places to see in Khiva are, is definitely Itchan Kala. Therefore, you want to stay inside the old city walls if possible.

Map of Icthan Kala (Old City) in Khiva, Uzbekistan - Top places to see in Khiva, NassPacker
Map of Icthan Kala (Old City) in Khiva, Uzbekistan

Within these walls, you may consider the below options for accommodation:

A shared taxi from the city center to Itchan Kala should cost around 15,000 soms / 1.3 USD

Wander at the old city walls and gates

Icthan Kala Old City walls in Khiva, Uzbekistan - Top places to see in Khiva, NassPacker
Icthan Kala Old City walls in Khiva, Uzbekistan

During medieval times, these walls were crucial to the city’s defense. Indeed, these were helping to contain and delay incursions from attackers. Indeed, with a height of 10 meters and a thickness of up to 6 meters, these were a good deterrent for any invasion. Obviously, the walls did not suffice in preventing completely attacks. Therefore, despite being initially built during the 5th century, these walls were destroyed and rebuilt several times in history.

As far as the gates are concerned, there are 4 of them at each side of the city. Thus, there is one to the North (Darvaza), one to the East (Palwan), one to the South (Dascht) and one to the West (Ata).

Kalta Minor: Khiva’s Blue Minaret

Blue Minaret of Khiva, Uzbekistan - Top places to see in Khiva, NassPacker
Blue Minaret of Khiva – Uzbekistan

Kalta Minor is one of the most beautiful minarets in all over Uzbekistan. Of all the top places to see in Khiva, this minaret is surely the highlight of any traveller. Similarly to the other famous minaret of Hassan in Rabat (Morocco), Kalta Minor was initially supposed to much higher but they could never finish its construction. Consequently, the final building ended up reaching a height of 29 meters.

Blue Minaret of Khiva, Uzbekistan - Top places to see in Khiva, NassPacker
Blue Minaret of Khiva – Uzbekistan

Right next to it is another beautiful building, the Amir Khan Madrassa. Today, the building serves as a hotel. The Madrassa has a very beautiful and majestic gate that contains some scriptures and calligraphy again in the blue color.

Amir Khan Madrassa in Khiva, Uzbekistan - Top places to see in Khiva, NassPacker
Amir Khan Madrassa in Khiva, Uzbekistan

Juma Mosque of Khiva

Juma Mosque in Khiva, Uzbekistan - Top places to see in Khiva, NassPacker
Juma Mosque in Khiva, Uzbekistan

This mosque has a very interesting architecture. Indeed, once you step inside, you immediately notice the hundreds of pillars that are everywhere (212 to be precise). When walking between the pillars, you can feel how the architecture ensures a constant air flow and an optimal light exposure. Indeed, each of the wooden pillars has special carvings made by local craftsmen. In medieval times , this was one of the main mosques where locals used to gather to perform their daily prayers. Today, it is one of the main places to see in Khiva.

Walk around Kunya Ark (Old Citadel)

The Citadel built in the 5th century holds many interesting parts with numerous minarets, domes and decorated doors.

View of Kunya Ark Citadel in Khiva, Uzbekistan - Top places to see in Khiva, NassPacker
View of Kunya Ark Citadel in Khiva – Uzbekistan

You can choose to wander around the narrow streets of the old citadel and let it transport back in time.

Street of Kunya Ark Citadel in Khiva, Uzbekistan - Top places to see in Khiva, NassPacker
Street of Kunya Ark Citadel in Khiva – Uzbekistan
Camel at the Kunya Ark Citadel in Khiva, Uzbekistan - Top places to see in Khiva, NassPacker
Camel at the Kunya Ark citadel in Khiva – Uzbekistan

The Stone Palace (Tash Khovli)

Tash Khovli is a beautiful palace built in the 19th century. It is typical of the classic Uzbek islamic architecture that uses massively wood carvings and blue as the main color for decorations.

Blue wall tile art at the Stone Palace / Tash Khovli in Khiva, Uzbekistan - Nasspacker
Blue wall tile art at the Stone Palace / Tash Khovli in Khiva – Uzbekistan

The palace features a courtyard that is also fully tiled and surrounded by balconies. The yard was the center of the royal court where trials and ceremonials used to take place.

Courtyard at the Stone Palace / Tash Khovli in Khiva, Uzbekistan - NassPacker
Courtyard at the Stone Palace / Tash Khovli in Khiva – Uzbekistan

The first floor has a unique architecture as you need to go from room to room through several immersive doors.

First floor balconies at the Stone Palace / Tash Khovli in Khiva, Uzbekistan - NassPacker
First floor balconies at the Stone Palace / Tash Khovli in Khiva – Uzbekistan

Make sure to enter some of the rooms as they have some really detailed and beautiful decorations.

Inside of the Stone Palace / Tash Khovli in Khiva, Uzbekistan - Nasspacker
Inside of the Stone Palace / Tash Khovli in Khiva – Uzbekistan
Blue wall tile art at the Stone Palace / Tash Khovli in Khiva, Uzbekistan - Nasspacker
Blue wall tile art at the Stone Palace / Tash Khovli in Khiva – Uzbekistan

Top places to see in Khiva : The Highest Minaret

One site you cannot miss in Khiva, is to visit the highest minaret in Itchan Kala. The name of the minaret is a combination of the last 2 rulers of Khiva: Islam Hoja Minaret.

Islam Hoja Minaret in Khiva, Uzbekistan - NassPacker
Islam Hoja Minaret in Khiva – Uzbekistan

Top places to see in Khiva: The largest domed mausoleum

This green great dome tops the Mausoleum of Makhmud Pahlavan. In fact, he was a local hero that was a prominent wrestler and warrior. After his death in 1326, they built this mausoleum where people would come a pray for his soul.

Makhmud Pahlavan Mausoleum Dome in Khiva, Uzbekistan - NassPacker
Makhmud Pahlavan Mausoleum Dome in Khiva – Uzbekistan

Top places to see in Khiva: Museums

Khiva is also full of museums that display art depicting the rich history of the city.

Thus, some of these paintings depict a time where scholars from all over the world use to come to Khiva to debate and learn about scientific matters.

People use to also come from far to consult with the renown doctors of Khiva. Some of their methods were quite curious such as burying someone in the sand to heal him/her.

Finally, some of this art crafts also represent what the cultural scene of Khiva might have been at the time with banquets full of musicians and guests.

Top places to see in Khiva: Shop for local art crafts in the market

Khiva has lots of small bazaars. Thus, you should take the time to walk around the vendors and contemplate or buy locally manufactured items and art crafts. From scarfs, to carpets, to beautiful plates, to even mittens, there are many souvenirs you can buy in Itchan Kala.

After visiting the beautiful city of Khiva, you may either:

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