Registan Square Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Nasspacker

Top popular places you need to visit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Home » Top popular places you need to visit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Declared a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2001, Samarkand was the center of the ancient Silk Road. As such, the city is a heaven for travelers who enjoy contemplating at gorgeous historic buildings. This article depicts the top popular places to visit in Samarkand.

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How to get there?

From Tashkent:

  • By high-speed train (Called Afrosiab), it takes around 2 hours and costs 202,000 UZS (18 USD)
  • By normal train, it takes around 3.5 hours and costs 77,000 (7 USD)

From Bukhara:

By high-speed train (Called Afrosiab), it takes around 1.5 hours and costs 77,000 UZS (7 USD).

Where to stay in Samarkand?

Top popular places to visit in Samarkand: Registan

Price  |  30,000 som ($3.90) entrance fee

Timings  |  8 AM – 12 AM

Firstly, Registan is probably THE top popular place to visit in Samarkand by far. Indeed, it is so emblematic of Uzbekistan that I even crossed the path of the Italian version of the Amazing Race shooting an episode in there.

TV Crew shooting the Italian version of the Amazing Race in Registan, Samarkand - Uzbekistan - NassPacker
TV Crew shooting the Italian version of the Amazing Race in Registan, Samarkand – Uzbekistan

The Square

The city’s central historical square is home to several uniques buildings. Indeed, it used to be a cultural and educational center with several madrassas hosting students coming from all around the ancient world.

Thus, walking around the square and imagining that hundreds, if not thousands of iconic scholars walked around this square is truly humbling.

Registan Square in Samarkand, Uzbekistan - NassPacker
Registan Square in Samarkand – Uzbekistan

The Madrassas

Then, Registan Square hosts 3 different madrassas facing each other.

Firstly, you will see Ulugbek Madrassa. In fact, it is located on the left side of the square and used to be a center of science in the region. However, today there is a museum inside that depicts the golden age of Samarkand.

Scholars in the ancient city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan - NassPacker
Scholars in the ancient city of Samarkand, Uzbekistan

On the opposite side of the square you can find Sher For Madrassa. Indeed, this building has a curious mosaic depicting 2 tigers that represent human beings in their most primal states. Thus, inside of each of their backs is a sun that symbolizes education and knowledge. Then, by getting this knowledge, human beings lean towards enlightenment, represented by the purity of white deers. These deers ultimately try to reach perfection, depicted in the middle.

Sher For Madrassa in Samarkand,  Uzbekistan - NassPacker
Sher For Madrassa in Samarkand – Uzbekistan

Finally the last madrassa is located in the central part and is called Tilla Kari Madrassa.

Tilla Kari Madrassa in Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Nasspacker
Tilla Kari Madrassa in Samarkand – Uzbekistan

It has a beautiful courtyard where locals sell paintings and traditional art crafts. However, the most beautiful part is inside. Indeed, you cannot leave Registan without getting in the indoor part of Tilla Kari Madrassa. The blue and gold designs are simply stunning and will leave you in awe.

Inside of Tilla Kari Madrassa in Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top popular places to visit in Samarkand-  Nasspacker
Inside of Tilla Kari Madrassa in Samarkand – Uzbekistan

Shah-i-zindad Necropolis

Price  |  20,000 som ($1.80) entrance fee

Timings  |  9 AM – 7 PM

Another site that will amaze you by its beauty is the Shah-i-zindad Necropolis. Indeed, this complex of more than 20 buildings was built in honor of Amir Timur’s relatives

Shah-i Zinda Necropolis in Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top popular places to visit in Samarkand - NassPacker
Shah-i Zinda Necropolis in Samarkand – Uzbekistan

In there, you will find mausoleum dedicated to the generals of Amir Timur, to his sister, to his nieces and several other family members.

Shah-i Zinda Necropolis in Samarkand, Uzbekistan -Top popular places to visit in Samarkand -  Nasspacker
Shah-i Zinda Necropolis in Samarkand – Uzbekistan

Amir Temur is probably the most important figure there is in Uzbekistan so much that he is almost considered to be the founder of the Uzbek nation. In fact, he led campaigns across Central, South and West Asia and remained undefeated throughout his reign.

Shah-i Zinda Necropolis in Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top popular places to visit in Samarkand - NassPacker
Shah-i Zinda Necropolis in Samarkand – Uzbekistan

Bibi Khanym Mosque

Price  |  Free

Timings  |  24h

This mosque used to be the largest mosque in Central Asia as it could host as much as 10,000 worshippers for the Friday prayer. However, its construction was never fully completed.

Bibi Khanym Mosque in Samarkand,  Uzbekistan - Top popular places to visit in Samarkand - NassPacker
Bibi Khanym Mosque in Samarkand – Uzbekistan

As a matter of fact, the mosque itself was nicknamed by the people after Amir Timur’s late wife. Although uncertain, it it is common belief that Timur built this mosque in her honor. Nevertheless, in other accounts by a Spanish ambassador who visited Samarkand in the 15th century, it is said that he built it in honor of his wife’s mother.

Bibi Khanym Mosque in Samarkand,  Uzbekistan - Top popular places to visit in Samarkand - NassPacker
Bibi Khanym Mosque in Samarkand – Uzbekistan

Constructed after his victorious military campaign in North India, the building started to crumble until the soviet authorities ran a program to restore it to its original state with the clear intention of converting it into a cultural site rather than a religious one.

What remains certain is that the building and the decorations are beautiful.

Bibi Khanym Mosque in Samarkand,  Uzbekistan - Top popular places to visit in Samarkand - NassPacker
Bibi Khanym Mosque in Samarkand – Uzbekistan

Top popular places to visit in Samarkand: Others

In addition to the above attractions, there are other places of interest to visit in Samarkand. Indeed, one of them is the mausoleum of Timur At Gur-e-amir where you will learn about the rich history of the city. In fact, the mausoleum is centered around the conquests of Amir Timur in Central Asia.

Map of Amir Timur Military Campaigns in Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top popular places to visit in Samarkand - NassPacker
Map of Amir Timur Military Campaigns – Samarkand, Uzbekistan

At some point in history, his empire was so big that it reached all the way to Istanbul (Modern Turkey) to the West, to Delhi (Modern India) to the East.
Eventually, on the way to the mausoleum, you may stop at the Siab market to try local delicacies or wander around the streets to see nice murals and old soviet style cars.

All in all, my experience in Samarkand was unlike any other mainly thanks to my local hosts who made this stop truly memorable.

My local hosts and I (Nasspacker) in the street of Samarkand, Uzbekistan - Top popular places to visit in Samarkand - Nasspacker
My local hosts and I (Nasspacker) in the street of Samarkand – Uzbekistan

After visiting the great city of Samarkand you may either:

  • Visit the other main cultural city of Central Asia’s Silk Road : Bukhara
  • Head back to the capital city of Tashkent
  • Or head towards the southern part of the country to visit natural region of Sukhandarya

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