The NassPacker Beyond

This NassPacker Beyond page focuses on depicting the type of travels that I cherish. In addition, it details as well what I enjoy beyond traveling.

The NassPacker Beyond: What kind of traveller am I?

Nature vs Cities

Nature 70%Cities 30%

Firstly, I must say that I am an absolute nature lover. Bustling and vibrant cities can be fun. However, I remain mesmerized by the diversity, uniqueness and perfection of God’s creation.

Panorama of the Wakhan valley - Tajikistan/Afghanistan border
Panorama of the Wakhan valley – Tajikistan/Afghanistan border

Simplicity vs Luxury

Simplicity 90%Luxury 10%

I strongly believe that there is nothing better than an 8-hour crowded hot bumpy bus ride to immerse yourself. 

Indeed, discussing with the locals reminds me that we are one human family. We all have the same aspirations very far off from what stressful channel news advertise on a daily basis.

Crowded chicken Bus - Rivas, Nicaragua
Crowded chicken Bus – Rivas, Nicaragua

Solo vs Group

Solo 60%Group 40%
This is a tricky one.

In fact, traveling alone often leads me to situation where I meet more locals. It also gives more control over my schedule and itinerary.

“Happiness is only real when shared”.

Christopher McCandless

On the other hand, while traveling with friends can allow less of the above, it helps building strong collective memories. As Christopher McCandless wrote, “Happiness is only real when shared”. That is precisely to share all these memories that the NassPacker story and community started.

Therefore, I usually try to have a balance between both so I can enjoy the pros of both types of travel.

NassPacker in the front side - Sigiriya, Sri Lanka
NassPacker in the front side – Sigiriya, Sri Lanka

Active vs Relaxed

Active 90%Relaxed 10%

When I was 21, I climbed a 1610m active volcano in Southern Nicaragua. The 10-hour hike was at that time the most difficult challenge I had ever faced. Indeed, I thought about quitting a million times, but despite the mental and physical fatigue, I never gave up.

After the 10 hours hike - Ometepe, Nicaragua
After the 10 hours hike – Ometepe, Nicaragua

Then, the next year, after climbing several other mountains and volcanoes, I fulfilled a dream by completing a 7-day trek to the roof of the world at a Himalayan Base camp in Nepal.

NassPacker on the left side - Annapurna Base Camp, Nepal
NassPacker on the left side – Annapurna Base Camp, Nepal

I usually plan for lots of physical activities, and leave relaxed ones for the last days when possible.

The NassPacker Beyond: What am I passionate about other than traveling?

I love history, geopolitics and the dynamics that govern the relationships between nations. Thus, if you are a thorough reader of the NassPacker story, you would certainly notice it.

I enjoy sports and especially football with Stade Rennais FC being my hometown club.

Music is also part of my DNA. In fact, I was a member of a Hip Hop group called TFP during my teenage years. That led me to discover styles as diverse as Soul, Funk, Reggae, Salsa….

TFP-The-Firm-Prod - NassPacker
NassPacker in front right corner with the rest of TFP members – Rennes, France

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