NassPacker - Ethiopia

The NassPacker Story

Welcome brothers and sisters, I am Nassim and this is the NassPacker Story.

With a backpacking experience in 40+ countries, I help travelers with limited time and budget plan and enjoy authentic traveling experiences.

NassPacker in Key West - Florida - USA
NassPacker in Key West – Florida – USA

The origins of the NassPacker story

I was born of French-Moroccan parents in the beautiful city of Rennes. Rennes is located in the North West of France in the Brittany region (Bretagne in French). In a word, Brittany is well known for its beautiful coastline, its open-minded people and its local gastronomy.

Grand Be Island - Saint Malo
Grand Be Island – Saint Malo, France

I also kept a strong link with Morocco through my parents. Morocco is a beautiful country known for its millenary imperial history and traditions. Indeed, it has stunning diverse landscapes, a world-renown gastronomy and some of the most welcoming people on earth.

Moroccan Architecture - NassPacker
Hassan Mosque – Rabat, Morocco

Thus, I am the product of both cultures and a hint of all the additional ones I mingled with during my trips around the globe.

The reasons behind the NassPacker Story

As early as I can remember, I have had this unquenchable thirst to travel the world. Indeed, I was offered an educational geography CD called Hachette 98 at the age of 5 years old. In fact, I used it so much to the point of learning the names, the flags and the locations of every country in the world.

Atlas Hachette 98 CD
Atlas Hachette 98 CD

I believe this is when the NassPacker story truly started.

Young NassPacker - Rennes, France
Young NassPacker on the right – Rennes, France

In addition, we use to drive every year from France to Morocco to spend the summer vacation there.
Actually, the 2-day journey through France, Spain and Morocco was often more interesting than the final destination.

All this gave me the will of discovering the world.

Berber village - Ourika, Morocco
Berber village – Ourika, Morocco

The Start of the NassPacker Story

With all the above considered, I always knew that traveling the world would be a big part of my life.

I started with Europe during my high school years. Eventually, I got into the Normandy Business School, which offered lots of possibilities for international exchanges.

Vantage point - Salzburg, Austria
Vantage point – Salzburg, Austria

My first living abroad experience was a 3-months internship in the Spanish island of Ibiza. I didn’t know anybody at first, but ended up meeting incredible people. My time there working for Azuline Hotels was amazing.

In addition, I got to perfect my Spanish speaking skills.

Cala D'Hort - Ibiza, Spain
Cala D’Hort – Ibiza, Spain

When travel plans really picked up

Twelve months later, I got the chance to study at the University of South Florida in Tampa. This experience was life changing as I had to adapt to a new way of thinking.

Furthermore, in addition to getting a Bachelor’s degree, I was able to travel around the beautiful United States and meet lifelong friends.

Ocean Drive - Miami Beach - NassPacker
Ocean Drive – Miami Beach – NassPacker on the left with founder Guillaume

Then, I spent a full year working in Costa Rica for the French Travelers network ToutCostaRica. They gave me the opportunity to discover a stunning country and the incredible Central American and Caribbean region.

Red-eyed tree frog - Monteverde, Costa Rica
Red-eyed tree frog – Monteverde, Costa Rica

Eventually, I moved to Dubai to pursue my MBA at IMT. Needless to say that moving from the lush Costa Rican jungles to the skyscrapers and desert was a drastic change.

This only proves how diverse and surprising our planet can be.

Dubai Marina skyline - Dubai, United Arab Emirates - NassPacker
Dubai Marina skyline – Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Since then, I have pursued my career in the Gulf, between Qatar and the United Arab Emirates at Hilti.
The Gulf central location allowed me to explore new countries in Asia and Africa among which are Tajikistan, Ethiopia or Reunion.

NassPacker on the left with the Qatari Thobe - Doha, Qatar
NassPacker on the left with the Qatari Thobe – Doha, Qatar

What made me start The NassPacker Story?

The idea came after spending countless hours passionately helping friends planning their trips. I realized that gathering this information on a platform such as could be beneficial to a larger community of fellow travelers.

I then decided to allocation some of my time, energy and resources to bringing the NassPacker story to life.

Thus, my vision and goal are to provide you with my experience and insights. I hope that all this useful information could help you plan your trips efficiently.

Besides, I would be honored if some of the stories made you want to travel or simply had you enjoy learning about other wonderful places in the world.

NassPacker in other languages

For the moment this website in only in English as it already demands a lot of work. However, please feel free to ask me your questions in French, Arabic, Spanish or Portuguese if you feel more comfortable doing so.

In addition, I am also inviting you to join the NassPacker Community on FacebookYouTube, and Instagram where I share more content in a different way.

In case you are still reading this, many thanks for your support. I look forward to getting your constructive feedback so we can all make NassPacker a useful and pleasant platform for all travelers.

Thank you very much.


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